Eric Chen
Text Material
Words: Isolated, Trapped, Lonely
Sentence/Paragraph: Simply put, the COVID-19 pandemic shut down my adolescence––at least, a large part of it. I remember when the first COVID lockdowns occurred in my 9th grade year. At first, it was fun and exciting to get so much time away from school. However, it soon became apparent that this was not going to be fun. The governmental regulations on COVID meant I could not go the places I used to, do the activities I wanted to with friends and with others, attend parties, visit the mall, etc. I was stuck at home, and the only method I had of connecting with the outside world was my computer. It was horrible. Even today, after many of the governmental regulations have already relaxed, COVID is still moving a ton of events (summer camps, research conferences) online, thereby ruining several great opportunities to socialize and connect.