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CAREY GETS WARNING ON WELFARE BUDGET Increasing Costs Are Threatening Overrun of Up to $175 Million By LINDA GREENHOUSE State budget officials told Governor] Carey yesterday that if welfare costs con- tinsed to increase at the current rate, there would be an overrun of $120 million to $175 million in the state's welfare ‘budget for the current fiscal year. The higher figure is more than 10 per- ceat of the state's current welfare budget of $1.657 billion. Either figure would be| blow to the state’s precariously bal- anced budget. Governor Carey called the new pro- jection a “very profound and disturbing reflection of the depressed state of our| national and regional economy.” He di- rected his Socail Services Commission, Philip Toia, to work with the state's coun- ty executives to “develop a complete and thorough range of legislative proposals” to counteract the rising welfare bills. Upstate Factors Cited The Budget Division said that most of the overrun was occurring upstate in the ‘home relief—singles” category of public assistance, which goes mainly to people living alone whose unemployment bere- fits have expired. Meanwhile, a federally financed study by the Rand Corporation reported yester- day that New York City's welfare families actually received cash and other services that lifted as many as 90 percent of them atove the poverty level. [Page 25.] The state's current welfare budget es- sunes a “home relief—singles” caselord of 100,000 recipients 2 month. But the revised projections are for a caseload of 132,200 recipients a month by the exd of the year. According to the Budget Division. the home relief caseload is rising at the rate of 5,000 every three months in New York City and 14,000 a month upstate, Unlike Medicaid and Aid to Dependent Continued on Page Column 1
Governor Carey called the new pro- jection a “very profound and disturbing reflection of the depressed state of our| national and regional economy.” He di- rected his Socail Services Commission, Philip Toia, to work with the state's coun- ty executives to “develop a complete and thorough range of legislative proposals” to counteract the rising welfare bills.Upstate Factors Cited The Budget Division said that most of the overrun was occurring upstate in the ‘home relief—singles” category of public assistance, which goes mainly to people living alone whose unemployment bere- fits have expired.

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